国地税|专业咨询| 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

这里是意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件, we never underestimate the impact state and local tax (SALT) law can - and does - have on your business's bottom line. That's why we've established a team of SALT experts to stay up-to-date on the laws and regulations all business owners need to be aware of - especially if you conduct any portion of your business online. 从俄亥俄州到佛罗里达州, 从纽约到爱达荷州以及中间的任何地方, 不遵守你所在州或其他州的法律可能会付出难以置信的代价.


We are proud to be able to offer our clients with a robust selection of state and local tax services, 包括:

分配 & 分摊的评论

One of the most challenging areas of income and related types of taxes is how you source your income. 有些收入是分配的,有些是分配的. 你知道其中的区别吗. 了解分配和分摊审查如何保护您的业务.

销售 & 使用税务合规和审查

Did you k现在 that sales and use taxes are handled differently in different states? 细微的差别足以让你晕眩. Our team of sales and use tax professionals can go through your business operations, 豁免, 购买, 等., with a fine-tooth comb to make sure you are only paying what is expected of your business.

学分 & 优惠服务

你的企业创造了就业机会. You're hiring people, adding fixed assets and generally helping to improve your local economy. Businesses like yours drive the economy and keep America moving forward – and the tax code and policy rewards your investment with credits & 激励. 继续往下读,看看我们如何帮助你获得你的那份.


如果你在州外经营任何业务, you probably have a number of state taxing jurisdictions eyeing your company for nexus. A nexus study will show you your liabilities and can help you avoid future tax issues. 继续阅读 to learn how a nexus study can ease your mind and strengthen your bottom line.


There's no way around it, if your business owes back taxes, you will have to pay up sooner or later. But, did you k现在 that you can limit your liability through a voluntary disclosure agreement? 继续往下读,了解这个过程是如何工作的.


你是想收购另一家公司,还是想卖掉自己的公司? 在签署任何东西之前,做足功课是很有必要的. 如果做不到这一点,你可能会付出代价. 继续往下读,你会发现其中的奥秘.


每年有成千上万的企业因各种税务考虑而接受审计, 包括销售, 使用税或商业活动税. 当涉及到你的生意时,这不是一个如果的问题,这是 . Find out how our audit defense services can provide you with peace of mind while saving you money.


你的内部税务部门需要提升吗? 我们可以帮忙. 继续往下读,你会发现其中的奥秘.


Administrative and accounting departments are responsible for handling a multitude of business-related tasks. 继续读下去 看看我们能怎么帮你r staff with their state and local tax responsibilities.

13000个经常问问题的理由 These days, it’s not unusual to travel (sometimes great distances) for your career. It’s also becoming more and more common for professionals to utilize their home offices as their primary work spaces. 但如果你每天都要忍受长时间的通勤, 每个月从家里远程办公或乘飞机穿越国家几次, be sure to review your W-2s to determine whether the municipal taxes that are withheld from your paycheck are correct. You may be surprised to learn how easy it can be to overlook this particular line item. 这个案例研究将解释其中的原因.


SALT Software Simplicity | 凯西LaMonica | Ohio CPA 公司From word processing to filing taxes, there’s a software solution for everything these days. 随着社会的不断变化和立法改变了商业运作的方式, there are people who are hard at work developing programs to address these changes. 取 南达科他州诉. Wayfair例如:. 在一夜之间, the way companies calculated and paid taxes in the various states they do business changed. Fortunately, tech solutions were immediately available to make the changes a little more tolerable. 凯西LaMonica, 他是雷亚州和地方税务团队的高级经理和技术顾问, 加入戴夫·凯恩的节目 不合适的 to talk about the various tech solutions available and how they can save businesses from costly fines and penalties 现在 that Wayfair 是国家的法律吗.




Wayfair 正如我们的主持人戴夫·凯恩所描述的那样,这是一个“疯狂的小镇”.“现在各州已经实施了某种版本的 Wayfair, they’re looking at creating anti-avoidance rules that prevent businesses from taking advantage of loopholes to avoid taxation in a state (like splitting a business into two so that revenue falls below a certain threshold). But here’s where it starts getting crazy – states are farming out their state tax audits on a contingent fee! 我们将在2019年经历一段疯狂的旅程,因为我们将看到这一切是如何发生的.


极端联系:南达科他州vs. Wayfair(播客)

Well, in case you haven't heard, the Supreme Court weighed in on the monumental 南达科他州诉. 威费尔案和南达科塔案最终获胜. 乔·波普再次加入我们 不适合在意图电台播放 to talk about what this ruling means for your business and what you can do today to prepare for the massive changes that are about to take place.


新的Nexus规则将从不朽的南达科他州诉. Wayfair案例

意图 Salt团队在华盛顿美国.S. 年,最高法院作出了裁决 南达科他州对Wayfair. 这是一个备受期待的, 有时, polarizing case and many business owners are rightfully concerned about what this might mean for their business. There is quite a lot to do and consider 现在 that their decision 是国家的法律吗. 继续阅读 这个决定意味着什么,你应该怎么做 现在 开始你自己对这个历史性案件的回应.

最高法院裁定南达科他州诉. Wayfair决定

If you've ever heard the phrase "physical presence" in the context of sales tax nexus, 好吧, 多亏了最高法院, 这个概念基本上已经死了. 这是20多年来关于税收关系最重要的裁决, 法院站在南达科他州一边. 继续读下去.

什么是公平??! Wayfair vs. 南达科他州将影响企业处理销售税的方式(播客)

以获得更多关于这个里程碑案件的知识, 雷亚的州和地方税务服务团队访问了华盛顿特区.C. 在四月听取南达科他州诉. Wayfair案例.


We are committed to serving businesses across all industries and are committed to building our suite of services designed to address unique challenges across a wide range of industries. 经常回来看看我们的SALT服务团队还能做些什么!

  • 建设- - - - - - 意图’s dedicated team of state and local tax experts are committed to revealing and addressing issues that may have been overlooked in the past. Identifying current savings opportunities and counseling businesses on existing and future SALT matters and 激励 based projects for construction companies. 继续读下去 看看我们能怎么帮你.
  • 企业估值—— 如果你在市场上买或者准备卖, 没有对公司的州和地方税收义务进行适当的评估, 你永远不知道你会遇到什么.
  • 制造业, 状态 and local tax concerns are just part of the day-to-day as a manufacturer and it just got more tricky 现在 that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of South Dakota, 有效地使实体存在成为对过去的回忆.

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联系意图的州和地方税务服务团队 to find out if your business activities are putting you at risk of compliance issues.
